Archived release notes

sd (14/01/2019)

New: Chain.export() / assign() and custom calculations

Expanding on the current Chain editing features provided via cut() and join(), it is now possible to calculate additional row and column results using plain pandas.dataframe methods. Use Chain.export() to work on a simplified Chain.dataframe and assign() to rebuild it properly when finished.

New: Batch.as_main(keep=True) to change qp.Batch relations

It is now possible to promote an .additional Batch to a main/regular one. Optionally, the original parent Batch can be erased by setting keep=False. Example:

Starting from:

>>> dataset.batches(main=True, add=False)
['batch 2', 'batch 5']
>>> dataset.batches(main=False, add=True)
['batch 4', 'batch 3', 'batch 1']

We turn batch 3 into a normal one:

>>> b = dataset.get_batch('batch 3')
>>> b.as_main()
>>> dataset.batches(main=True, add=False)
['batch 2', 'batch 5', 'batch 3']
>>> dataset.batches(main=False, add=True)
['batch 4', 'batch 1']

New: On-the-fly rebasing via Quantity.normalize(on='y', per_cell=False)

Quantipy’s engine will now accept another variable’s base for (column) percentage computations. Furthermore, it is possible to rebase the percentages to the cell frequencies of the other variable’s cross-tabulation by setting per_cell=True, i.e. rebase variables with identical categories to their respective per-category results. The following example shows how 'A1' results are serving as cell bases for the percentages of 'A2':

>>> l = stack[stack.keys()[0]]['no_filter']['A1']['datasource']
>>> q = qp.Quantity(l)
>>> q.count()
Question        datasource
Values                 All      1       2       3      4       5       6
Question Values
A1       All        6984.0  767.0  1238.0  2126.0  836.0  1012.0  1005.0
         1          1141.0  503.0    78.0   109.0  102.0   155.0   194.0
         2          2716.0  615.0   406.0   499.0  499.0   394.0   303.0
         3          1732.0  603.0    89.0   128.0  101.0   404.0   407.0
         4          5391.0  644.0   798.0  1681.0  655.0   796.0   817.0
         5          4408.0  593.0   177.0  1649.0  321.0   818.0   850.0
         6          3584.0  615.0   834.0   834.0  327.0   507.0   467.0
         7          4250.0  588.0   724.0  1717.0  540.0    55.0   626.0
         8          3729.0  413.0  1014.0   788.0  311.0   539.0   664.0
         9          3575.0  496.0   975.0   270.0  699.0   230.0   905.0
         10         4074.0  582.0   910.0  1148.0  298.0   861.0   275.0
         11         2200.0  446.0   749.0   431.0  177.0   146.0   251.0
         12         5554.0  612.0   987.0  1653.0  551.0   860.0   891.0
         13          544.0   40.0   107.0   232.0   87.0    52.0    26.0
>>> l = stack[stack.keys()[0]]['no_filter']['A2']['datasource']
>>> q = qp.Quantity(l)
>>> q.count()
Question        datasource
Values                 All      1       2       3      4      5      6
Question Values
A2       All        6440.0  727.0  1131.0  1894.0  749.0  960.0  979.0
         1           568.0  306.0    34.0    32.0   48.0   63.0   85.0
         2          1135.0  417.0   107.0    88.0  213.0  175.0  135.0
         3           975.0  426.0    43.0    49.0   49.0  220.0  188.0
         4          2473.0  350.0   267.0   599.0  431.0  404.0  422.0
         5          2013.0  299.0    88.0   573.0  162.0  417.0  474.0
         6          1174.0  342.0   219.0   183.0  127.0  135.0  168.0
         7          1841.0  355.0   161.0   754.0  285.0   21.0  265.0
         8          1740.0  265.0   376.0   327.0  160.0  212.0  400.0
         9          1584.0  181.0   390.0    89.0  398.0   94.0  432.0
         10         1655.0  257.0   356.0   340.0  137.0  443.0  122.0
         11          766.0  201.0   241.0   101.0   76.0   53.0   94.0
         12         2438.0  217.0   528.0   497.0  247.0  459.0  490.0
         13         1532.0   72.0   286.0   685.0  118.0  183.0  188.0
>>> q.normalize(on='A1', per_cell=True)
Question         datasource
Values                  All           1           2           3           4           5           6
Question Values
A2       All      92.210767   94.784876   91.357027   89.087488   89.593301   94.861660   97.412935
         1        49.780894   60.834990   43.589744   29.357798   47.058824   40.645161   43.814433
         2        41.789396   67.804878   26.354680   17.635271   42.685371   44.416244   44.554455
         3        56.293303   70.646766   48.314607   38.281250   48.514851   54.455446   46.191646
         4        45.872751   54.347826   33.458647   35.633551   65.801527   50.753769   51.652387
         5        45.666969   50.421585   49.717514   34.748332   50.467290   50.977995   55.764706
         6        32.756696   55.609756   26.258993   21.942446   38.837920   26.627219   35.974304
         7        43.317647   60.374150   22.237569   43.913803   52.777778   38.181818   42.332268
         8        46.661303   64.164649   37.080868   41.497462   51.446945   39.332096   60.240964
         9        44.307692   36.491935   40.000000   32.962963   56.938484   40.869565   47.734807
         10       40.623466   44.158076   39.120879   29.616725   45.973154   51.451800   44.363636
         11       34.818182   45.067265   32.176235   23.433875   42.937853   36.301370   37.450199
         12       43.896291   35.457516   53.495441   30.066546   44.827586   53.372093   54.994388
         13      281.617647  180.000000  267.289720  295.258621  135.632184  351.923077  723.076923

New: DataSet.missings(name=None)

This new method returns the missing data definition for the provided variable or all missing definitions found in the dataset (if name is omitted).

>>> dataset.missings()
{u'q10': {u'exclude': [6]},
 u'q11': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q17': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q23_1_new': {u'exclude': [8]},
 u'q25': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q32': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q38': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q39': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q48': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q5': {u'exclude': [977]},
 u'q9': {u'exclude': [977]}}

Update: DataSet.batches(main=True, add=False)

The collection of Batch sets can be separated by main and additional ones (see above) to make analyzing Batch setups and relations easier. The default is still to return all Batch names.

Bugfix: Stack, other_source statistics failing for delimited sets

A bug that prevented other_source statistics being computed on delimited set type variables has been resolved by adjusting the underlying data type checking mechanic.

sd (26/10/2018)

New: Filter variables in DataSet and Batch

To avoid complex logics stored in the background and resulting problem with json serializing, the filter concept in DataSet and Batch has changed.

Now actual variables are added to the data and meta, which have the property recoded_filter. The values of depend on the included logic, and all logics summarized in the value 0: keep. Because of the an easy logic can be used at several places in qp: {'filter_var': 0}

DataSet methods

All included filters of a Dataset can be shown running dataset.filters().

A filter variable can be easily created:

dataset.add_filter_var(name, logic, overwrite=False)
  • name is the name of the new filter-variable.

  • logic should be (a list of) dictionaries in form of:

    >>> {
    ...     'label': 'reason',
    ...     'logic': {var: keys} / intersection/ ....
    ... }

    or stings (var_name), which are automatically transformed into the following dict

    >>> {
    ...     'label': 'var_name not empty',
    ...     'logic': {var_name: not_count(0)}
    ... }

    If a list is provided, each item results in an own value of the filter variable.

An existing filter variable can also be extended:

dataset.extend_filter_var(name, logic, extend_as=None)
  • name is the name of the existing filter-variable.
  • logic should be the same as above, then additional categories are added to the filter and the 0 value is recalculated.
  • extend_as determines if a new filter var is created or the initial variable is modified. If extend_as=None the variable is modified inplace. Otherwise extend_as is used as suffix for the new filter variable.

Known methods like:


can be applied on filter-variables, all others are not valid!

Batch methods

Batch.add_filter(filter_name, filter_logic=None, overwrite=False)

A filter can still be added to a batch, by adding a filter_logic, but also it’s possible to add only the filter_name of an existing filter variable. If filter_name is an existing filter-variable, a filter_logic is provided and overwrite is turned off, the scripts will return an error.


This method only removes filters from the Batch definitions, the created filter-variables still exist in the belonging DataSet object.

Batch methods that use filters:


create new extended filter variables if the used filter differs from the batch global filter. So it’s recommended to add the global filter first, it’s taken over automatically for the mentioned methods.

New: Summarizing and rearranging qp.Chain elements via ChainManager

  • cut(values, ci=None, base=False, tests=False)
  • join(title='Summary')

It is now possible to summarize View aggregation results from existing Chain items by restructuring and editing them via their ChainManager methods. The general idea behind building a summary Chain is to unify a set of results into items by restructuring and editing them via their ChainManager methods. The general idea behind building a summary Chain is to unify a set of results into one cohesive representation to offer an easy way to look at certain key figures of interest in comparison to each other. To achieve this, the ChainManager class has gained the new cut() and join() methods. Summaries are built post- aggregation and therefore rely on what has been defined (via the qp.Batch class) and computed (via the qp.Stack methods) at previous stages.

The intended way of working with this new feature can be outlined as

  1. reorder()
  2. cut()
  3. join()
  4. insert()

In more detail:

A) Grouping the results for the summary

Both methods will operate on the entire set of Chains collected in a ChainManager, so building a summary Chain will normally start with restricting a copy of an existing ChainManager to the question variables that you’re interested in. This can be done via clone() with reorder(..., inplace=True) or by assigning back the new instance from reorder(..., inplace=False).

B) Selecting View results via cut()

This method lets you target the kind of results (nets, means, NPS scores, only the frequencies, etc.) from a given qp.Chain.dataframe. Elements must be targeted by their underlying regular index values, e.g. 'net_1', 'net_2', 'mean', 1, 'calc', … . Use the base and tests parameters to also carry over the matching base rows and/or significance testing results. The ci parameter additionally allows targeting only the 'counts' or 'c%' results if cell items are grouped together.

C) Unifying the individual results with join()

Merging all new results into one, the join() method concatenates vertically and relabels the x-axis to separate all variable results by their matching metadata text that has also been applied while creating the regular set of and relabels the x-axis to separate all variable results by their matching metadata text that has has also been applied while creating the regular set of Chain items. The new summary can then also be inserted back into its originating ChainManager with insert() if desired.

Update: Batch.add_variables(varlist)

A qp.Batch can now carry a collection of variables that is explicitly not directed towards any table-like builds. Variables from varlist will solely be used in non-aggregation based, data transformation and export oriented applications. To make this distinction more visible in the API, add_x() and add_y() have been renamed to add_downbreak() and add_crossbreak(). Users are warned and advised to switch to the new method versions via a DeprecationWarning. In a future version of the library add_x() and add_y() will be removed.

Update: Batch.copy() -> Batch.clone()

Since qp.Batch is a subclass of qp.DataSet, the copy() method is renamed into Batch.clone().

sd (01/10/2018)

New: “rewrite” of Rules module (affecting sorting):

sorting “normal” columns:

  • sort_on always ‘@’
  • fix any categories
  • sort_by_weight default is unweighted (None), but each weight (included

in data) can be used

If sort_by_weight and the view-weight differ, a warning is shown.

sorting “expanded net” columns:

  • sort_on always ‘@’
  • fix any categories
  • sorting within or between net groups is available
  • sort_by_weight: as default the weight of the first found

expanded-net-view is taken. Only weights of aggregated net-views are possible

sorting “array summaries”:

  • sort_on can be any desc (‘median’, ‘stddev’, ‘sem’, ‘max’, ‘min’,

‘mean’, ‘upper_q’, ‘lower_q’) or nets (‘net_1’, ‘net_2’, …. enumerated by the net_def) * sort_by_weight: as default the weight of the first found desc/net-view is taken. Only weights of aggregated desc/net-views are possible * sort_on can also be any category, here each weight can be used to sort_on

New: DataSet.min_value_count()

A new wrapper for DataSet.hiding() is included. All values are hidden, that have less counts than the included number min. The used data can be weighted or filtered using the parameters weight and condition.

Usage as Batch method: Batch.min_value_count() without the parameters weight and condition automatically grabs Batch.weights[0] and Batch.filter to calculate low value counts.

New: Prevent weak duplicated in data

As Python is case sensitive it is possible to have two or more variables with the same name, but in lower- and uppercases. Most other software do not support that, so a warning is shown if a weak dupe is created. Additionally Dataset.write_dimensions() performs auto-renaming is weak dupes are detected.

New: Prevent single-cat delimited sets

DataSet.add_meta(..., qtype='delimited set', categories=[...], ...) automatically switches qtype to single if only one category is defined. DataSet.convert(name, 'single') allows conversion from delimited set to single if the variable has only one category. and DataSt.remove_values() convert delimited sets automatically to singles if only one category is included.

Update: merge warnings + merging delimites sets

Warnings in hmerge() and vmerge() are updated. If a column exists in the left and the right dataset, the type is compared. Some type inconsistencies are allowed, but return a warning, while others end up in a raise.

delimited sets in vmerge():

If a column is a delimited set in the left dataset, but a single, int or float in the right dataset, the data of the right column is converted into a delimited set.

delimited sets in hmerge(...merge_existing=None):

For the hmerge a new parameter merge_existing is included, which can be None, a list of variable-names or 'all'.

If delimited sets are included in left and right dataset:

  • merge_existing=None: Only meta is adjusted. Data is untouched (left data

is taken). * merge_existing='all': Meta and data are merged for all delimited sets, that are included in both datasets. * merge_existing=[variable-names]: Meta and data are merged for all delimited sets, that are listed and included in both datasets.

Update: encoding in DataSet.get_batch(name)

The method is not that encoding sensitive anymore. It returns the depending Batch, no matter if '...', u'...' or '...'.decode('utf8') is included as name.

Update: warning in weight engine

Missing codes in the sample are only alerted, if the belonging target is not 0.

Update: DataSet.to_array(..., variables, ...)

Duplicated vars in variables are not allowed anymore, these were causing problems in the ChainManager class.

Update: Batch.add_open_ends()

Method raises an error if no vars are included in oe and break_by. The empty dataframe was causing issues in the ChainManager class.

Update: Batch.extend_x()

The method automatically checks if the included variables are arrays and adds them to Batch.summaries if they are included yet.

sd (04/06/2018)

New: Additional variable (names) “getter”-like and resolver methods

  • DataSet.created()
  • DataSet.find(str_tags=None, suffixed=False)
  • DataSet.names()
  • DataSet.resolve_name()

A bunch of new methods enhancing the options of finding and testing for variable names have been added. created() will list all variables that have been added to a dataset using core functions, i.e. add_meta() and derive(), resp. all helper methods that use them internally (as band() or categorize() do for instance).

The find() method is returning all variable names that contain any of the provided substrings in str_tags. To only consider names that end with these strings, set suffixed=True. If no str_tags are passed, the method will use a default list of tags including ['_rc', '_net', ' (categories', ' (NET', '_rec'].

Sometimes a dataset might contain “semi-duplicated” names, variables that differ in respect to case sensitivity but have otherwise identical names. Calling names() will report such cases in a pd.DataFrame that lists all name variants under the respective str.lower() version. If no semi-duplicates are found, names() will simply return DataSet.variables().

Lastly, resolve_name() can be used to return the “proper”, existing representation(s) of a given variable name’s spelling.

New: Batch.remove()

Not needed batches can be removed from meta, so they are not aggregated anymore.

New: Batch.rename(new_name)

Sometimes standard batches have long/ complex names. They can now be changed into a custom name. Please take into account, that for most hubs the name of omnibus batches should look like ‘client ~ topic’.

Update: Handling verbatims in qp.Batch

Instead of holding the well prepared open-end dataframe in batch.verbatims, the attribute is now filled by batch.add_open_ends() with instructions to create the open-end dataframe. It is easier to to modify/ overwrite existing verbatims. Therefore also a new parameter is included overwrite=True.

Update: Batch.copy(..., b_filter=None, as_addition=False)

It is now possible to define an additional filter for a copied batch and also to set it as addition to the master batch.

Update: Regrouping the variable list using DataSet.order(..., regroup=True)

A new parameter called regroup will instruct reordering all newly created variables into their logical position of the dataset’s main variable order, i.e. attempting to place derived variables after the originating ones.

Bugfix: add_meta() and duplicated categorical values codes

Providing duplicated numerical codes while attempting to create new metadata using add_meta() will now correctly raise a ValueError to prevent corrupting the DataSet.

>>> cats = [(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'C'), (3, 'D'), (2, 'AA')]
>>> dataset.add_meta('test_var', 'single', 'test label', cats)
ValueError: Cannot resolve category definition due to code duplicates: [2, 3]

sd (04/04/2018)

New: Emptiness handlers in DataSet and Batch classes

  • DataSet.empty(name, condition=None)
  • DataSet.empty_items(name, condition=None, by_name=True)
  • DataSet.hide_empty_items(condition=None, arrays=None)
  • Batch.hide_empty(xks=True, summaries=True)

empty() is used to test if regular variables are completely empty, empty_items() checks the same for the items of an array mask definition. Both can be run on lists of variables. If a single variable is tested, the former returns simply boolean, the latter will list all empty items. If lists are checked, empty() returns the sublist of empty variables, empty_items() is mapping the list of empty items per array name. The condition parameter of these methods takes a Quantipy logic expression to restrict the test to a subset of the data, i.e. to check if variables will be empty if the dataset is filtered a certain way. A very simple example:

>>> dataset.add_meta('test_var', 'int', 'Variable is empty')
>>> dataset.empty('test_var')
>>> dataset[dataset.take({'gender': 1}), 'test_var'] = 1
>>> dataset.empty('test_var')
>>> dataset.empty('test_var', {'gender': 2})

The DataSet method hide_empty_items() uses the emptiness tests to automatically apply a hiding rule on all empty items found in the dataset. To restrict this to specific arrays only, their names can be provided via the arrays argument. Batch.hide_empty() takes into account the current Batch.filter setup and by drops/hides all relevant empty variables from the xks list and summary aggregations by default. Summaries that would end up without valid items because of this are automatically removed from the summaries collection and the user is warned.

New: qp.set_option('fast_stack_filters', True)

A new option to enable a more efficient test for already existing filters inside the qp.Stack object has been added. Set the 'fast_stack_filters' option to True to use it, the default is False to ensure compatibility in different versions of production DP template workspaces.

Update: Stack.add_stats(..., factor_labels=True, ...)

The parameter factor_labels is now also able to take the string '()', then factors are written in the normal brackets next to the label (instead of []).

In the new version factor_labels are also just added if there are none included before, except new scales are used.

Bugfix: DataSet np.NaN insertion to delimited_set variables

np.NaN was incorrectly transformed when inserted into delimited_set before, leading to either numpy type conflicts or type casting exceptions. This is now fixed.

sd (27/02/2018)

New: DataSet._dimensions_suffix

DataSet has a new attribute _dimensions_suffix, which is used as mask suffix while running DataSet.dimensionize(). The default is _grid and it can be modified with DataSet.set_dim_suffix().

Update: Stack._get_chain() (old chain)

The method is speeded-up. If a filter is already included in the Stack, it is not calculated from scratch anymore. Additionally the method has a new parameter described, which takes a describing dataframe of the Stack, so it no longer needs to be calculated in each loop.

Nets that are applied on array variables will now also create a new recoded array that reflects the net definitions if recoded is used. The method has been creating only the item versions before.

Update: Stack.add_stats()

The method will now create a new metadata property called 'factor' for each variable it is applied on. You can only have one factor assigned to one categorical value, so for multiple statistic definitions (exclusions, etc.) it will get overwritten.

Update: DataSet.from_batch() (additions parameter)

The additions parameter has been updated to also be able to create recoded variables from existing “additional” Batches that are attached to a parent one. Filter variables will get the new meta 'properties' tag 'recoded_filter' and only have one category (1, 'active'). They are named simply 'filter_1', 'filter_2' and so on. The new possible values of the parameters are now:

  • None: as_addition()-Batches are not considered.
  • 'variables': Only cross- and downbreak variables are considered.
  • 'filters': Only filters are recoded.
  • 'full': 'variables' + 'filters'

Bugfix: ViewManager._request_views()

Cumulative sums are only requested if they are included in the belonging Stack. Additionally the correct related sig-tests are now taken for cumulative sums.

sd (12/01/2018)

New: Audit

Audit is a new class which takes DataSet instances, compares and aligns them.

The class compares/ reports/ aligns the following aspects:

  • datasets are valid (DataSet.validate())
  • mismatches (variables are not included in all datasets)
  • different types (variables are in more than one dataset, but have different types)
  • labels (variables are in more than one dataset, but have different labels for the same text_key)
  • value codes (variables are in more than one dataset, but have different value codes)
  • value texts (variables are in more than one dataset, but have different value texts)
  • array items (arrays are in more than one dataset, but have different items)
  • item labels (arrays are in more than one dataset, but their items have different labels)

This is the first draft of the class, so it will need some testing and probably adjustments.

New: DataSet.reorder_items(name, new_order)

The new method reorders the items of the included array. The ints in the new_order list match up to the number of the items (DataSet.item_no('item_name')), not to the position.

New: DataSet.valid_tks, Arabic

Arabic (ar-AR) is included as default valid text-key.

New: DataSet.extend_items(name, ext_items, text_key=None)

The new method extends the items of an existing array.

Update: DataSet.set_missings()

The method is now limited to DataSet, Batch does not inherit it.

Update: DataSet

The whole class is reordered and cleaned up. Some new deprecation warnings will appear.

Update: DataSet.add_meta() / DataSet.derive()

Both methods will now raise a ValueError: Duplicated codes provided. Value codes must be unique! if categorical values definitions try to apply duplicated codes.

sd (18/12/2017)

New: Batch.remove_filter()

Removes all defined (global + extended) filters from a Batch instance.

Update: Batch.add_filter()

It’s now possible to extend the global filter of a Batch instance. These options are possible.

Add first filter:

>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
'no_filter', ['no_filter']
>>> batch.add_filter('filter1', logic1)
>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
{'filter1': logic1}, ['filter1']

Extend filter:

>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
{'filter1': logic}, ['filter1']
>>> batch.add_filter('filter2', logic2)
>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
{'filter1' + 'filter2': intersection([logic1, logic2])}, ['filter1' + 'filter2']

Replace filter:

>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
{'filter1': logic}, ['filter1']
>>> batch.add_filter('filter1', logic2)
>>> batch.filter, batch.filter_names
{'filter1': logic2}, ['filter1']

Update: Stack.add_stats(..., recode)

The new parameter recode defines if a new numerical variable is created which satisfies the stat definitions.

Update: DataSet.populate()

A progress tracker is added to this method.

Bugfix: Batch.add_open_ends()

= is removed from all responsess in the included variables, as it causes errors in the Excel-Painter.

Bugfix: Batch.extend_x() and Batch.extend_y()

Check if included variables exist and unroll included masks.

Bugfix: Stack.add_nets(..., calc)

If the operator in calc is div/ /, the calculation is now performed correctly.

sd (28/11/2017)

New DataSet.from_batch()

Creates a new DataSet instance out of Batch definitions (xks, yks, filter, weight, language, additions, edits).

New: Batch.add_total()

Defines if total column @ should be included in the downbreaks (yks).

New: Batch.set_unwgt_counts()

If cellitems are cp and a weight is provided, it is possible to request unweighted count views (percentages are still weighted).

Update: Batch.add_y_on_y(name, y_filter=None, main_filter='extend')

Multiple y_on_y aggregations can now be added to a Batch instance and each can have an own filter. The y_on_y-filter can extend or replace the main_filter of the Batch.

Update: Stack.add_nets(..., recode)

The new parameter recode defines if a new variable is created which satisfies the net definitions. Different options for recode are:

  • 'extend_codes': The new variable contains all codes of the original variable and all nets as new categories.
  • 'drop_codes': The new variable contains only all nets as new categories.
  • 'collect_codes' or 'collect_codes@cat_name': The new variable contains all nets as new categories and another new category which sums all cases that are not in any net. The new category text can be defined by adding @cat_name to collect_codes. If none is provided Other is used as default.

Update: Stack.add_nets()

If a variable in the Stack already has a net_view, it gets overwritten if a new net is added.

Update: DataSet.set_missings(..., missing_map)

The parameter missing_map can also handle lists now. All included codes are be flagged as 'exclude'.

Update: request_views(..., sums='mid') (ViewManager/

Allow different positions for sums in the view-order. They can be placed in the middle ('mid') between the basics/ nets and the stats or at the 'bottom' after the stats.

Update/ New: write_dimensions()

Converting qp data to mdd and ddf files by using write_dimensions() is updated now. A bug regarding encoding texts is fixed and additionally all included text_keys in the meta are transferred into the mdd. Therefore two new classes are included: DimLabels and DimLabel.

sd (13/11/2017)

New ``DataSet.to_delimited_set(name, label, variables,
from_dichotomous=True, codes_from_name=True)``

Creates a new delimited set variable out of other variables. If the input- variables are dichotomous (from_dichotomous), the new value-codes can be taken from the variable-names or from the order of the variables (codes_from_name).

Update Stack.aggregate(..., bases={})

A dictionary in form of:

bases = {
   'cbase': {
      'wgt': True,
      'unwgt': False},
   'cbase_gross': {
      'wgt': True,
      'unwgt': True},
   'ebase': {
      'wgt': False,
      'unwgt': False}

defines what kind of bases will be aggregated. If bases is provided the old parameter unweighted_base and any bases in the parameter views will be ignored. If bases is not provided and any base is included in views, a dictionary is automatically created out of views and unweighted_base.

sd (17/10/2017)

New: del DataSet['var_name'] and 'var_name' in DataSet syntax support

It is now possible to test membership of a variable name simply using the in operator instead of DataSet.var_exists('var_name') and delete a variable definition from DataSet using the del keyword inplace of the drop('var_name') method.

New: DataSet.is_single(name), .is_delimited_set(name), .is_int(name), .is_float(name), .is_string(name), .is_date(name), .is_array(name)

These new methods make testing a variable’s type easy.

Update: and all other non-array type iterators

It is now possible to exclude array items from singles(), delimited_sets(), ints() and floats() variable lists by setting the new array_items parameter to False.

Update: Batch.set_sigtests(..., flags=None, test_total=None), Batch.sigproperties

The significancetest-settings for flagging and testing against total, can now be modified by the two parameters flags and test_total. The Batch attribute siglevels is removed, instead all sig-settings are stored in Batch.sigproperties.

Update: Batch.make_summaries(..., exclusive=False), Batch.skip_items

The new parameter exclusive can take a list of arrays or a boolean. If a list is included, these arrays are added to Batch.skip_items, if it is True all variables from Batch.summaries are added to Batch.skip_items

Update: quantipy.sandbox.sandbox.Chain.paint(..., totalize=True)

If totalize is True, @-Total columns of a (x-oriented) Chain.dataframe will be painted as 'Total' instead of showing the corresponsing x-variables question text.

Update: quantipy.core.weights.Rim.Rake

The weighting algorithm’s generate_report() method can be caught up in a MemoryError for complex weight schemes run on very large sample sizes. This is now prevented to ensure the weight factors are computed with priority and the algorithm is able to terminate correctly. A warning is raised:

UserWarning: OOM: Could not finish writing report...

Update: Batch.replace_y()

Conditional replacements of y-variables of a Batch will now always also automatically add the @-Total indicator if not provided.

Bugfix: DataSet.force_texts(...,  overwrite=True)

Forced overwriting of existing text_key meta data was failing for array mask objects. This is now solved.

sd (15/09/2017)

New: DataSet.meta_to_json(key=None, collection=None)

The new method allows saving parts of the metadata as a json file. The parameters key and collection define the metaobject which will be saved.

New: and DataSet.revert()

These two new methods are useful in interactive sessions like Ipython or Jupyter notebooks. save() will make a temporary (only im memory, not written to disk) copy of the DataSet and store its current state. You can then use revert() to rollback to that snapshot of the data at a later stage (e.g. a complex recode operation went wrong, reloading from the physical files takes too long…).

New: DataSet.by_type(types=None)

The by_type() method is replacing the soon to be deprecated implementation of variables() (see below). It provides the same functionality (pd.DataFrame summary of variable types) as the latter.

Update: DataSet.variables() absorbs list_variables() and variables_from_set()

In conjunction with the addition of by_type(), variables() is replacing the related list_variables() and variables_from_set() methods in order to offer a unified solution for querying the DataSet’s (main) variable collection.

Update: Batch.as_addition()

The possibility to add multiple cell item iterations of one Batch definition via that method has been reintroduced (it was working by accident in previous versions with subtle side effects and then removed). Have fun!

Update: Batch.add_open_ends()

The method will now raise an Exception if called on a Batch that has been added to a parent one via as_addition() to warn the user and prevent errors at the build stage:

NotImplementedError: Cannot add open end DataFrames to as_addition()-Batches!

sd (31/08/2017)

New: DataSet.code_from_label(..., exact=True)

The new parameter exact is implemented. If exact=True codes are returned whose belonging label is equal the included text_label. Otherwise the method checks if the labels contain the included text_label.

New: DataSet.order(new_order=None, reposition=None)

This new method can be used to change the global order of the DataSet variables. You can either pass a complete new_order list of variable names to set the order or provide a list of dictionaries to move (multiple) variables before a reference variable name. The order is reflected in the case data pd.DataFrame.columns order and the meta 'data file' set object’s items.

New: DataSet.dichotomize(name, value_texts=None, keep_variable_text=True, ignore=None, replace=False, text_key=None)

Use this to convert a 'delimited set' variable into a set of binary coded 'single' variables. Variables will have the values 1/0 and by default use 'Yes' / 'No' as the corresponding labels. Use the value_texts parameter to apply custom labels.

New: Batch.extend_x(ext_xks)

The new method enables an easy extension of Batch.xks. In ext_xks included str are added at the end of Batch.xks. Values of included dicts are positioned in front of the related key.

Update: Batch.extend_y(ext_yks, ...)

The parameter ext_yks now also takes dicts, which define the position of the additional yks.

Update: Batch.add_open_ends(..., replacements)

The new parameter replacements is implemented. The method loops over the whole pd.DataFrame and replaces all keys of the included dict with the belonging value.

Update: Stack.add_stats(..., other_source)

Statistic views can now be added to delimited sets if other_source is used. In this case other_source must be a single or numerical variable.

Update: DataSet.validate(..., spss_limits=False)

The new parameter spss_limits is implemented. If spss_limits=True, the validate output dataframe is extended by 3 columns which show if the SPSS label limitations are satisfied.

Bugfix: DataSet.convert()

A bug that prevented conversions from single to numeric types has been fixed.

Bugfix: DataSet.add_meta()

A bug that prevented the creation of numerical arrays outside of to.array() has been fixed. It is now possible to create array metadata without providing category references.

Bugfix: Stack.add_stats()

Checking the statistic views is skipped now if no single typed variables are included even if a checking cluster is provided.

Bugfix: Batch.copy()

Instead of using a deepcopy of the Batch instance, a new instance is created and filled with the attributes of the initial one. Then the copied instance can be used as additional Batch.

Bugfix: qp.core.builds.powerpoint

Access to bar-chart series and colour-filling is now working for different Powerpoint versions. Also a bug is fixed which came up in PowerPointpainter() for variables which have fixed categories and whose values are located in lib.

sd (24/07/2017)

New: qp.set_option()

It is now possible to set library-wide settings registered in qp.OPTIONS by providing the setting’s name (key) and the desired value. Currently supported are:

        'new_rules': False,
        'new_chains': False,
        'short_item_texts': False

So for example, to work with the currently refactored Chain interim class we can use qp.set_options('new_chains', True).

New: qp.Batch()

This is a new object aimed at defining and structuring aggregation and build setups. Please see an extensive overview here.

New: Stack.aggregate() / add_nets() / add_stats() / add_tests() / …

Connected to the new Batch class, some new Stack methods to ease up view creation have been added. You can find the docs here.

New: DataSet.populate()

Use this to create a qp.Stack from Batch definitions. This connects the Batch and Stack objects; check out the Batch and Analysis & aggregation docs.

New: DataSet.write_dimensions(path_mdd=None, path_ddf=None, text_key=None, mdm_lang='ENG', run=True, clean_up=True)

It is now possible to directly convert a DataSet into a Dimensions .ddf/.mdd file pair (given SPSS Data Collection Base Professional is installed on your machine). By default, files will be saved to the same location in that the DataSet resides and keep its text_key.


This new method can be used to try to fix common DataSet metadata problems stemming from outdated versions, incorrect manual editing of the meta dictionary or other inconsistencies. The method is checking and repairing following issues:

  • 'name' is present for all variable metadata
  • 'source' and 'subtype' references for array variables
  • correct 'lib'-based 'values' object for array variables
  • text key-dependent 'x edits' / 'y edits' meta data
  • ['data file']['items'] set entries exist in 'columns' / 'masks'

New: DataSet.subset(variables=None, from_set=None, inplace=False)

As a counterpart to filter(), subset() can be used to create a new DataSet that contains only a selection of variables. The new variables collection can be provided either as a list of names or by naming an already existing set containing the desired variables.

New: DataSet.variables_from_set(setname)

Get the list of variables belonging to the passed set indicated by setname.

New: DataSet.is_like_numeric(name)

A new method to test if all of a string variable’s values can be converted to a numerical (int / float) type. Returns a boolean True / False.

Update: DataSet.convert()

It is now possible to convert inplace from string to int / float if the respective internal is_like_numeric() check identifies numeric-like values.

Update: DataSet.from_components(..., reset=True), DataSet.read_quantipy(..., reset=True)

Loaded .json metadata dictionaries will get cleaned now by default from any user-defined, non-native objects inside the 'lib' and 'sets' collections. Set reset=False to keep any extra entires (restoring the old behaviour).

Update: DataSet.from_components(data_df, meta_dict=None, ...)

It is now possible to create a DataSet instance by providing a pd.DataFrame alone, without any accompanying meta data. While reading in the case data, the meta component will be created by inferring the proper Quantipy variable types from the pandas dtype information.

Update: Quantity.swap(var, ..., update_axis_def=True)

It is now possible to swap() the 'x' variable of an array based Quantity, as long as the length oh the constructing 'items' collection is identical. In addition, the new parameter update_axis_def is now by default enforcing an update of the axis defintions (pd.DataFrame column names, etc) while previously the method was keeping the original index and column names. The old behaviour can be restored by setting the parameter to False.

Array example:

>>> link = stack[name_data]['no_filter']['q5']['@']
>>> q = qp.Quantity(link)
>>> q.summarize()
Array                     q5
Questions               q5_1         q5_2         q5_3         q5_4         q5_5         q5_6
Question Values
q5       All     8255.000000  8255.000000  8255.000000  8255.000000  8255.000000  8255.000000
         mean      26.410297    22.260569    25.181466    39.842883    24.399758    28.972017
         stddev    40.415559    38.060583    40.018463    46.012205    40.537497    41.903322
         min        1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000     1.000000
         25%        3.000000     3.000000     3.000000     3.000000     1.000000     3.000000
         median     5.000000     3.000000     3.000000     5.000000     3.000000     5.000000
         75%        5.000000     5.000000     5.000000    98.000000     5.000000    97.000000
         max       98.000000    98.000000    98.000000    98.000000    98.000000    98.000000

Updated axis definiton:

>>> q.swap('q7', update_axis_def=True)
>>> q.summarize()
Array                     q7
Questions               q7_1         q7_2         q7_3       q7_4       q7_5       q7_6
Question Values
q7       All     1195.000000  1413.000000  3378.000000  35.000000  43.000000  36.000000
         mean       5.782427     5.423213     5.795145   4.228571   4.558140   5.333333
         stddev     2.277894     2.157226     2.366247   2.073442   2.322789   2.552310
         min        1.000000     1.000000     1.000000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000
         25%        4.000000     4.000000     4.000000   3.000000   3.000000   3.000000
         median     6.000000     6.000000     6.000000   4.000000   4.000000   6.000000
         75%        8.000000     7.000000     8.000000   6.000000   6.000000   7.750000
         max        9.000000     9.000000     9.000000   8.000000   9.000000   9.000000

Original axis definiton:

>>> q = qp.Quantity(link)
>>> q.swap('q7', update_axis_def=False)
>>> q.summarize()
Array                     q5
Questions               q5_1         q5_2         q5_3       q5_4       q5_5       q5_6
Question Values
q5       All     1195.000000  1413.000000  3378.000000  35.000000  43.000000  36.000000
         mean       5.782427     5.423213     5.795145   4.228571   4.558140   5.333333
         stddev     2.277894     2.157226     2.366247   2.073442   2.322789   2.552310
         min        1.000000     1.000000     1.000000   1.000000   1.000000   1.000000
         25%        4.000000     4.000000     4.000000   3.000000   3.000000   3.000000
         median     6.000000     6.000000     6.000000   4.000000   4.000000   6.000000
         75%        8.000000     7.000000     8.000000   6.000000   6.000000   7.750000
         max        9.000000     9.000000     9.000000   8.000000   9.000000   9.000000

Update: DataSet.merge_texts()

The method will now always overwrite existing text_key meta, which makes it possible to merge texts from meta of the same text_key as the master DataSet.


band(new_name=None)’s automatic name generation was incorrectly creating new variables with the name None_banded. This is now fixed.

Bugfix: DataSet.copy()

The method will now check if the name of the copy already exists in the DataSet and drop the referenced variable if found to prevent inconsistencies. Additionally, it is not longer possible to copy isolated array items:

>>> dataset.copy('q5_1')
NotImplementedError: Cannot make isolated copy of array item 'q5_1'. Please copy array variable 'q5' instead!

sd (08/06/2017)

New: DataSet.extend_valid_tks(), DataSet.valid_tks

DataSet has a new attribute valid_tks that contains a list of all valid textkeys. All methods that take a textkey as parameter are checked against that list.

If a datafile contains a special/ unusual textkey (for example 'id-ID' or 'zh-TW'), the list can be extended with DataSet.extend_valid_tks(). This extension can also be used to create a textkey for special conditions, for example to create texts only for powerpoint outputs:

>>> dataset.extend_valid_tks('pptx')
>>> dataset.force_texts('pptx', 'en-GB')
>>> dataset.set_variable_text('gender','Gender label for pptx', text_key='pptx')

New: Equal error messages

All methods that use the parameters name/var, text_key or axis_edit/ axis now have a decorator that checks the provided values. The following shows a few examples for the new error messages:

name & var:

'name' argument for meta() must be in ['columns', 'masks'].
q1 is not in ['columns', 'masks'].


'en-gb' is not a valid text_key! Supported are: ['en-GB', 'da-DK', 'fi-FI', 'nb-NO', 'sv-SE', 'de-DE']

axis_edit & axis:

'xs' is not a valid axis! Supported are: ['x', 'y']

New: DataSet.repair_text_edits(text_key)

This new method can be used in trackers, that were drawn up in an older Quantipy version. Text objects can be repaired if are not well prepared, for example if it looks like this:

{'en-GB': 'some English text',
 'sv_SE': 'some Swedish text',
 'x edits': 'new text'}

DataSet.repair_text_edits() loops over all text objects in the dataset and matches the x edits and y edits texts to all included textkeys:

>>> dataset.repair_text_edits(['en-GB', 'sv-SE'])
{'en-GB': 'some English text',
 'sv_SE': 'some Swedish text',
 'x edits': {'en-GB': new text', 'sv-SE': 'new text'}}

Update: DataSet.meta()/ .text()/ .values()/ .value_texts()/ .items()/ .item_texts()

All these methods now can take the parameters text_key and axis_edit. The related text is taken from the meta information and shown in the output. If a text key or axis edit is not included the text is returned as None.

Update:, variables=None, strict=False, text_key=None)

The method is totally updated, works more precise and contains a few new features. Generally variables included in dataset are compared with eponymous variables in the main DataSet instance. You can specify witch variables should be compared, if question/ value texts should be compared strict or not and for which text_key.

Update: DataSet.validate(verbose=True)

A few new features are tested now and the output has changed. Set verbose=True to see the definitions of the different error columns:

name: column/mask name and meta[collection][var]['name'] are not identical

q_label: text object is badly formated or has empty text mapping

values: categorical var does not contain values, value text is badly
formated or has empty text mapping

textkeys: dataset.text_key is not included or existing tks are not
consistent (also for parents)

source: parents or items do not exist

codes: codes in .data are not included in .meta

Update: DataSet.sorting() / .slicing() / .hiding()

These methods will now also work on lists of variable names.

Update: DataSet.set_variable_text(), Dataset.set_item_texts()

If these methods are applied to an array item, the new variable text is also included in the meta information of the parent array. The same works also the other way around, if an array text is set, then the array item texts are modified.

Update: DataSet.__init__(self, name, dimensions_comp=True)

A few new features are included to handle data coming from Crunch. While initializing a new DataSet instance dimensions compatibility can be set to False. In the custom template use t.get_qp_dataset(name, dim_comp=False) in the load cells.

Bugfix: DataSet.hmerge()

If right_on and left_on are used and right_on is also included in the main file, it is not overwritten any more.

sd (17/05/2017)

Update: DataSet.set_variable_text(..., axis_edit=None), DataSet.set_value_texts(..., axis_edit=False)

The new axis_edit argument can be used with one of 'x', 'y' or ['x', 'y'] to instruct a text metadata change that will only be visible in build exports.


In a future version set_col_text_edit() and set_val_text_text() will be removed! The identical functionality is provided via this axis_edit parameter.

Update: DataSet.replace_texts(..., text_key=None)

The method loops over all meta text objects and replaces unwanted strings. It is now possible to perform the replacement only for specified text_keys. If text_key=None the method replaces the strings for all text_keys.

Update: DataSet.force_texts(copy_to=None, copy_from=None, update_existing=False)

The method is now only able to force texts for all meta text objects (for single variables use the methods set_variable_text() and set_value_texts()).

Bugfix: DataSet.copy()

Copied variables get the tag created and can be listed with t.list_variables(dataset, 'created').

Bugfix: DataSet.hmerge(), DataSet.vmerge()

Array meta information in merged datafiles is now updated correctly.

sd (04/05/2017)

New: DataSet.var_exists()

Returns True if the input variable/ list of variables are included in the DataSet instance, otherwise False.

New: DataSet.remove_html(), DataSet.replace_texts(replace)

The DataSet method clean_texts() has been removed and split into two methods to make usage more clear: remove_html() will strip all text metadata objects from any html and formatting tags. replace_texts() will use a dict mapping of old to new str terms to change the matching text throughout the DataSet metadata.

New: DataSet.item_no(name)

This method will return the positional index number of an array item, e.g.:

>>> dataset.item_no('Q4A[{q4a_1}].Q4A_grid')

New: QuantipyViews: counts_cumsum, c%_cumsum

These two new views contain frequencies with cumulative sums which are computed over the x-axis.

Update: DataSet.text(name, shorten=True)

The new parameter shorten is now controlling if the variable text metadata of array masks will be reported in short format, i.e. without the corresponding mask label text. This is now also the default behaviour.

Update: DataSet.to_array()

Created mask meta information now also contains keys parent and subtype. Variable names are compatible with crunch and dimensions meta:

Example in Dimensions modus:

>>> dataset.to_array('Q11', ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4', 'Q5'], 'label')

The new grid is named 'Q11.Q11_grid' and the source/column variables are 'Q11[{Q1}].-Q11_grid' - 'Q11[{Q5}].-Q11_grid'.

Bugfix: DataSet.derotate()

Meta is now Crunch and Dimensions compatible. Also mask meta information are updated.

sd (24/04/2017)

Update: DataSet.hiding(..., hide_values=True)

The new parameter hide_values is only necessary if the input variable is a mask. If False, mask items are hidden, if True mask values are hidden for all mask items and for array summary sheets.

Bugfix: DataSet.set_col_text_edit(name)

If the input variable is an array item, the new column text is also added to meta['mask'][name]['items].

Bugfix: DataSet.drop(name, ignore_items=False)

If a mask is dropped, but the items are kept, all items are handled now as individual variables and their meta information is not stored in meta['lib'] anymore.

sd (06/04/2017)

Only small adjustments.

sd (29/03/2017)

New: DataSet.codes_in_data(name)

This method returns a list of codes that exist in the data of a variable. This information can be used for more complex recodes, for example copying a variable, but keeping only all categories with more than 50 ratings, e.g.:

>>> valid_code = dataset.codes_in_data('varname')
>>> keep_code = [x for x in valid_code if dataset['varname'].value_counts()[x] > 49]
>>> dataset.copy('varname', 'rc', copy_only=keep_code)

Update: DataSet.copy(..., copy_not=None)

The new parameter copy_not takes a list of codes that should be ignored for the copied version of the provided variable. The metadata of the copy will be reduced as well.

Update: DataSet.code_count()

This method is now alligned with any() and all() in that it can be used on 'array' variables as well. In such a case, the resulting pandas.Series is reporting the number of answer codes found across all items per case data row, i.e.:

>>> code_count = dataset.code_count('Q4A.Q4A_grid', count_only=[3, 4])
>>> check = pd.concat([dataset['Q4A.Q4A_grid'], code_count], axis=1)
>>> check.head(10)
   Q4A[{q4a_1}].Q4A_grid  Q4A[{q4a_2}].Q4A_grid  Q4A[{q4a_3}].Q4A_grid  0
0                    3.0                    3.0                    NaN  2
1                    NaN                    NaN                    NaN  0
2                    3.0                    3.0                    4.0  3
3                    5.0                    4.0                    2.0  1
4                    4.0                    4.0                    4.0  3
5                    4.0                    5.0                    4.0  2
6                    3.0                    3.0                    3.0  3
7                    4.0                    4.0                    4.0  3
8                    6.0                    6.0                    6.0  0
9                    4.0                    5.0                    5.0  1

sd (20/03/2017)

New: qp.DataSet(dimensions_comp=True)

The DataSet class can now be explicitly run in a Dimensions compatibility mode to control the naming conventions of array variables (“grids”). This is also the default behaviour for now. This comes with a few changes related to meta creation and variable access using DataSet methods. Please see a brief case study on this topic here.

New: enriched items / masks meta data

masks will now also store the subtype (single, delimited set, etc.) while items elements will now contain a reference to the defining masks entrie(s) in a new parent object.

Update: DataSet.weight(..., subset=None)

Filters the dataset by giving a Quantipy complex logic expression and weights only the remaining subset.

Update: Defining categorical values meta and array items

Both values and items can now be created in three different ways when working with the DataSet methods add_meta(), extend_values() and derive(): (1) Tuples that map element code to label, (2) only labels or (3) only element codes. Please see quick guide on that here

sd (07/03/2017)

Update: DataSet.code_count(..., count_not=None)

The new parameter count_not can be used to restrict the set of codes feeding into the resulting pd.Series by exclusion (while count_only restricts by inclusion).

Update: DataSet.copy(..., copy_only=None)

The new parameter copy_only takes a list of codes that should be included for the copied version of the provided variable, all others will be ignored and the metadata of the copy will be reduced as well.


There was a bug that was causing the method to crash for negative values. It is now possible to create negative single value bands, while negative ranges (lower and/or upper bound < 0) will raise a ValueError.

sd (24/02/2017)

  • Some minor bugfixes and updates. Please use latest version.

sd (16/02/2017)

New: DataSet.derotate(levels, mapper, other=None, unique_key='identity', dropna=True)

Create a derotated (“levelled”, responses-to-cases) DataSet instance by defining level variables, looped variables and other (simple) variables that should be added.

View more information on the topic here.

New: DataSet.to_array(name, variables, label)

Combine column variables with identical values objects to an array incl. all required meta['masks'] information.

Update: DataSet.interlock(..., variables)

It is now possible to add dicts to variables. In these dicts a derive()-like mapper can be included which will then create a temporary variable for the interlocked result. Example:

>>> variables = ['gender',
...              {'agegrp': [(1, '18-34', {'age': frange('18-34')}),
...                          (2, '35-54', {'age': frange('35-54')}),
...                          (3, '55+', {'age': is_ge(55)})]},
...              'region']
>>> dataset.interlock('new_var', 'label', variables)

sd (04/01/2017)

New: DataSet.flatten(name, codes, new_name=None, text_key=None)

Creates a new delimited set variable that groups grid item answers to categories. The items become values of the new variable. If an item contains one of the codes it will be counted towards the categorical case data of the new variable.

New: DataSet.uncode(target, mapper, default=None, intersect=None, inplace=True)

Remove codes from the target variable’s data component if a logical condition is satisfied.

New: DataSet.text(var, text_key=None)

Returns the question text label (per text_key) of a variable.

New: DataSet.unroll(varlist, keep=None, both=None)

Replaces masks names inside varlist with their items. Optionally, individual masks can be excluded or kept inside the list.

New: DataSet.from_stack(stack, datakey=None)

Create a quantipy.DataSet from the meta, data, data_key and filter definition of a quantipy.Stack instance.

sd (8/12/2016)


DataSet.from_excel(path_xlsx, merge=True, unique_key='identity')

Returns a new DataSet instance with data from excel. The meta for all variables contains type='int'.

Example: new_ds = dataset.from_excel(path, True, 'identity')

The function is able to modify dataset inplace by merging new_ds on identity.


DataSet.copy(..., slicer=None)

It is now possible to filter the data that statisfies the logical condition provided in the slicer. Example:

>>> dataset.copy('q1', 'rec', True, {'q1': not_any([99])})

sd (23/11/2016)


DataSet.rename(name, new_name=None, array_item=None)

The function is able to rename columns, masks or mask items. maks items are changed by position.


DataSet.categorize(..., categorized_name=None)

Provide a custom name string for categorized_name will change the default name of the categorized variable from OLD_NAME# to the passed string.

sd (16/11/2016)



Returns a list with duplicated values for the variable provided via name. Identifies for example duplicated identities.



Creates an empty QP meta data document blueprint to add variable definitions to.


DataSet.create_set(setname='new_set', based_on='data file', included=None,
...               excluded=None, strings='keep', arrays='both', replace=None,
...               overwrite=False)

Add a new set to the meta['sets'] object. Variables from an existing set (based_on) can be included to new_set or varibles can be excluded from based_on with customized lists of variables. Control string variables and masks with the kwargs strings and arrays. replace single variables in new_set with a dict .


DataSet.from_components(..., text_key=None)

Will now accept a text_key in the method call. If querying a text_key from the meta component fails, the method will no longer crash, but raise a warning and set the text_key to None.



These methods will now print a UserWarning to prepare for the soon to come removal of them.



Trying to set np.NaN was failing the test against meta data for categorical variables and was raising a ValueError then. This is fixed now.

sd (11/11/2016)



New DataSet instance attributes to quickly return the list of columns, masks and sets objects from the meta or query the variables by type. Use this to check for variables, iteration, inspection, ect.



Create a categorized version of int/string/date variables. New variables will be named as per OLD_NAME#


DataSet.convert(name, to)

Wraps the individual as_TYPE() conversion methods. to must be one of 'int', 'float', 'string', 'single', 'delimited set'.



Only for completeness: Use DataSet.convert(name, to='string') instead.

Converts int/float/single/date typed variables into a string and removes all categorical metadata.



Can now add date and text type meta data.



If masks in the right dataset, that also exist in the left dataset, have new items or values, they are added to meta['masks'], meta['lib'] and meta['sets'].

sd (09/11/2016)



Converts int/single typed variables into a float and removes all categorical metadata.



Converts single typed variables into a int and removes all categorical metadata.



Converts int typed variables into a single and adds numeric values as categorical metadata.


DataSet.create_set(name, variables, blacklist=None)

Adds a new set to meta['sets'] object. Create easily sets from other sets while using customised blacklist.


DataSet.drop(name, ignore_items=False)

Removes all metadata and data referenced to the variable. When passing an array mask, ignore_items can be ste to True to keep the item columns incl. their metadata.

New:, variables=None)

Compare the metadata definition between the current and another dataset, optionally restricting to a pair of variables.



[..]-Indexer now checks scalars against categorical meta.