
qp.Batch is a subclass of qp.DataSet and is a container for structuring a qp.Link collection’s specifications.

qp.Batch is not only a subclass of qp.DataSet, it also takes a DataSet instance as input argument, inheriting a few of its attributes, e.g. _meta, _data, valid_tks and text_key. All other Batch attributes are used as construction plans for populating a qp.Stack, these get stored in the belonging DataSet meta component in _meta['sets']['batches'][batchname].

In general, it does not matter in which order Batch attributes are set by methods, the class ensures that all attributes are kept consistent.

All next sections are working with the following qp.DataSet instance:

import quantipy as qp

dataset = qp.DataSet('Example Data (A)')
dataset.read_quantipy('Example Data (A).json', 'Example Data (A).csv')

The json and csv files you can find in quantipy/tests.