Adding variables to a qp.Batch instance

x-keys and y-keys

The included variables in a Batch constitute the main structure for the qp.Stack construction plan. Variables can be added as x-keys or y-keys, for arrays all belonging items are automatically added and the qp.Stack gets populated with all cross-tabulations of these keys:

>>> batch.add_x(['q1', 'q2', 'q6'])
>>> batch.add_y(['gender', 'q1'])
Array summaries setup: Creating ['q6'].

x-specific y-keys can be produced by manipulating the main y-keys, this edit can be extending or replacing the existing keys:

>>> batch.extend_y(['locality', 'ethnicity'], on=['q1'])
>>> batch.replace_y(['locality', 'ethnicity'], on=['q2'])

With these settings the construction plan looks like that:

>>> print batch.x_y_map
OrderedDict([('q1', ['@', 'gender', 'q1', 'locality', 'ethnicity']),
             ('q2', ['locality', 'ethnicity']),
             ('q6', ['@']),
             (u'q6_1', ['@', 'gender', 'q1']),
             (u'q6_2', ['@', 'gender', 'q1']),
             (u'q6_3', ['@', 'gender', 'q1'])])


A special case exists if the added variables contain arrays. As default for all arrays in x-keys array summaries are created (array as x-key and '@'-referenced total as y-key), see the output below (Array summaries setup: Creating ['q6'].). If array summaries are requested only for a selection of variables or for none, use .make_summaries():

>>> batch.make_summaries(None)
Array summaries setup: Creating no summaries!

Arrays can also be transposed ('@'-referenced total as x-key and array name as y-key). If they are not in the batch summary list before, they are automatically added and depending on the replace parameter only the transposed or both types of summaries are added to the qp.Stack:

>>> batch.transpose_array('q6', replace=False)
Array summaries setup: Creating ['q6'].

The construction plan now shows that both summary types are included:

>>> print batch.x_y_map
OrderedDict([('q1', ['@', 'gender', 'q1', 'locality', 'ethnicity']),
             ('q2', ['locality', 'ethnicity']),
             ('q6', ['@']),
             ('@', ['q6']),
             (u'q6_1', ['@', 'gender', 'q1']),
             (u'q6_2', ['@', 'gender', 'q1']),
             (u'q6_3', ['@', 'gender', 'q1'])])

Verbatims/ open ends

Another special case are verbatims. They will not be aggregated in a qp.Stack, but they have to be defined in a qp.Batch to add them later to a qp.Cluster.

There are two different ways to add verbatims: Either all to one qp.Cluster key or each gets its own key. But both options can be done with the same method.

For splitting the verbatims, set split=True and insert as many titles as included verbatims/ open ends:

>>> batch.add_open_ends(['q8a', 'q9a'], break_by=['record_number', 'age'],
                                                split=True, title=['oe_q8', 'oe_q9'])

For collecting all verbatims in one Cluster key, set split=False and add only one title or use the default parameters:

>>> batch.add_open_ends(['q8a', 'q9a'], break_by=['record_number', 'age'])

Special aggregations

It is possible to add some special aggregations to a qp.Batch, that are not stored in the main construction plan .x_y_map. One option is to give a name for a Cluster key in which all y-keys are cross-tabulated against each other:

>>> batch.add_y_on_y('y-keys')

Another possibility is to add a qp.Batch instance to an other instance. The added Batch loses all information about verbatims and .y_on_y, that means only the main construction plan in .x_y_map gets adopted. Each of the two batches is aggregated discretely in the qp.Stack, but the added instance gets included into the qp.Cluster of the first qp.Batch in a key named by its instance name.

>>> batch1 = dataset.get_batch('batch1')
>>> batch2 = dataset.get_batch('batch2')
>>> batch2.add_x('q2b')
Array summaries setup: Creating no summaries!
>>> batch2.add_y('gender')
>>> batch2.as_addition('batch1')
Batch 'batch2' specified as addition to Batch 'batch1'. Any open end summaries and 'y_on_y' agg. have been removed!

The connection between the two qp.Batch instances you can see in .additional for the added instance and in ._meta['sets']['batches']['batchname']['additions'] for the first instance.