Transforming variables


It’s often recommended to draw a clean copy of a variable before starting to editing its meta or case data. With copy() you can add a copy to the DataSet that is identical to the original in all respects but its name. By default, the copy’s name will be suffixed with '_rec', but you can apply a custom suffix by providing it via the suffix argument (leaving out the '_' which is added automatically):

>>> ds.copy('q3')
>>> ds.copy('q3', suffix='version2')
>>> ds.delimited_sets
[u'q3', u'q2', u'q9', u'q8', u'q3_rec', u'q3_version2']

Querying the DataSet, we can see that all three version are looking identical:

>>> ds[['q3', 'q3_rec', 'q3_version2']].head()
       q3  q3_rec q3_version2
0  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;
1  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;
2  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;
3    1;3;    1;3;        1;3;
4      2;      2;          2;

We can, however, prevent copying the case data and simply add an “empty” copy of the variable by passing copy_data=False:

>>> ds.copy('q3', suffix='no_data', copy_data=False)
>>> ds[['q3', 'q3_rec', 'q3_version2', 'q3_no_data']].head()
       q3  q3_rec q3_version2  q3_no_data
0  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;         NaN
1  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;         NaN
2  1;2;3;  1;2;3;      1;2;3;         NaN
3    1;3;    1;3;        1;3;         NaN
4      2;      2;          2;         NaN

If we wanted to only copy a subset of the case data, we could also use a logical slicer and supply it in the copy() operation’s slicer parameter:

>>> slicer = {'gender': [1]}
>>> ds.copy('q3', suffix='only_men', copy_data=True, slicer=slicer)
>>> ds[['q3', 'gender', 'q3_only_men']].head()
       q3  gender q3_only_men
0  1;2;3;       1      1;2;3;
1  1;2;3;       2         NaN
2  1;2;3;       1      1;2;3;
3    1;3;       1        1;3;
4      2;       1          2;

Inplace type conversion

You can change the characteristics of existing DataSet variables by converting from one type to another. Conversions happen inplace, i.e. no copy of the variable is taken prior to the operation. Therefore, you might want to take a DataSet.copy() before using the convert(name, to) method.

Conversions need to modify both the meta and data component of the DataSet and are limited to transformations that keep the original and new state of a variable consistent. The following conversions are currently supported:

name (from-type) to='single' to='delimited set' to='int' to='float' to='string'
'single' [X] X X X X
'delimited set'   [X]      
'int' X   [X] X X
'float'       [X] X
'string' X   X* X* [X]
'date' X       X

* If all values of the variable are numerical, i.e. DataSet.is_like_numeric() returns True.

Each of these conversions will rebuild the variable meta data to match the to type. This means, that for instance a variable that is single will lose its values object when transforming to int, while the reverse operation will create a values object that categorizes the unqiue numeric codes found in the case data with their str representation as text meta. Consider the variables q1 (single) and age (int):

From type single to int:

>>> ds.meta('q1')
single                                   codes                                   texts missing
q1: What is your main fitness activity?
1                                            1                                Swimming    None
2                                            2                         Running/jogging    None
3                                            3                         Lifting weights    None
4                                            4                                Aerobics    None
5                                            5                                    Yoga    None
6                                            6                                 Pilates    None
7                                            7                       Football (soccer)    None
8                                            8                              Basketball    None
9                                            9                                  Hockey    None
10                                          96                                   Other    None
11                                          98  I regularly change my fitness activity    None
12                                          99       Not applicable - I don't exercise    None
>>> ds.convert('q1', to='int')
>>> ds.meta('q1')
q1: What is your main fitness activity?  N/A

From type int to single:

>>> ds.meta('age')
age: Age  N/A
>>> ds.convert('age', to='single')
>>> ds.meta('age')
single    codes texts missing
age: Age
1            19    19    None
2            20    20    None
3            21    21    None
4            22    22    None
5            23    23    None
6            24    24    None
7            25    25    None
8            26    26    None
9            27    27    None
10           28    28    None
11           29    29    None
12           30    30    None
13           31    31    None
14           32    32    None
15           33    33    None
16           34    34    None
17           35    35    None
18           36    36    None
19           37    37    None
20           38    38    None
21           39    39    None
22           40    40    None
23           41    41    None
24           42    42    None
25           43    43    None
26           44    44    None
27           45    45    None
28           46    46    None
29           47    47    None
30           48    48    None
31           49    49    None

Banding and categorization

In contrast to convert(), the categorize() method creates a new variable of type single, acting as a short-hand for creating a renamed copy and then type-transforming it. Therefore, it lets you quickly categorize the unique values of a text, int or date variable, storing values meta in the form of {'text': {'en-GB': str(1)}, 'value': 1}.


Flexible banding of numeric data is provided thorugh If a variable is banded, it will standardly be added to the DataSet via the original’s name suffixed with 'banded', e.g. 'age_banded', keeping the originating variables text label. The new_name and label parameters can be used to create custom variable names and labels. The banding of the incoming data is controlled with the bands argument that expects a list containing int, tuples or dict, where each type is used for a different kind of group definition.

Banding with int and tuple:

  • Use an int to make a band of only one value
  • Use a tuple to indicate (inclusive) group limits
  • values text meta is infered
  • Example: [0, (1, 10), (11, 14), 15, (16, 25)]

Banding with dict:

  • The dict key will dicate the group’s text label meta
  • The dict value can pick up an int / tuple (see above)
  • Example: [{'A': 0}, {'B': (1, 10)}, {'C': (11, 14)}, {'D': 15}, {'E': (16, 25)}]
  • Mixing allowed: [0, {'A': (1, 10)}, (11, 14), 15, {'B': (16, 25)}]

For instance, we could band 'age' into a new variable called 'grouped_age' with bands being:

>>> bands = [{'Younger than 35': (19, 34)},
...          (35, 39),
...          {'Exactly 40': 40},
...          41,
...          (42, 60)]
>>>'age', bands=bands, new_name='grouped_age', label=None)
>>> ds.meta('grouped_age')
single            codes            texts missing
grouped_age: Age
1                     1  Younger than 35    None
2                     2            35-39    None
3                     3       Exactly 40    None
4                     4               41    None
5                     5            42-60    None
>>> ds.crosstab('age', 'grouped_age')
Question        grouped_age. Age
Values                       All Younger than 35 35-39 Exactly 40   41 42-60
Question Values
age. Age All                8255            4308  1295        281  261  2110
         19                  245             245     0          0    0     0
         20                  277             277     0          0    0     0
         21                  270             270     0          0    0     0
         22                  323             323     0          0    0     0
         23                  272             272     0          0    0     0
         24                  263             263     0          0    0     0
         25                  246             246     0          0    0     0
         26                  252             252     0          0    0     0
         27                  260             260     0          0    0     0
         28                  287             287     0          0    0     0
         29                  270             270     0          0    0     0
         30                  271             271     0          0    0     0
         31                  264             264     0          0    0     0
         32                  287             287     0          0    0     0
         33                  246             246     0          0    0     0
         34                  275             275     0          0    0     0
         35                  258               0   258          0    0     0
         36                  236               0   236          0    0     0
         37                  252               0   252          0    0     0
         38                  291               0   291          0    0     0
         39                  258               0   258          0    0     0
         40                  281               0     0        281    0     0
         41                  261               0     0          0  261     0
         42                  290               0     0          0    0   290
         43                  267               0     0          0    0   267
         44                  261               0     0          0    0   261
         45                  257               0     0          0    0   257
         46                  259               0     0          0    0   259
         47                  243               0     0          0    0   243
         48                  271               0     0          0    0   271
         49                  262               0     0          0    0   262

Array transformations

Transposing arrays

DataSet offers tools to simplify common array variable operations. You can switch the structure of items vs. values by producing the one from the other using transpose(). The transposition of an array will always result in items that have the delimited set type in the corresponding 'columns' metadata. That is because the transposed array is collecting what former items have been assignd per former value:

>>> ds.transpose('q5')


>>> ds['q5'].head()
   q5_1  q5_2  q5_3  q5_4  q5_5  q5_6
0     2     2     2     2     1     2
1     5     5     3     3     3     5
2     5    98     5     5     1     5
3     5     5     1     5     3     5
4    98    98    98    98    98    98
>>> ds.meta('q5')
single                                             items     item texts  codes                    texts missing
q5: How likely are you to do each of the follow...
1                                                   q5_1        Surfing      1  I would refuse if asked    None
2                                                   q5_2   Snowboarding      2            Very unlikely    None
3                                                   q5_3  Kite boarding      3        Probably wouldn't    None
4                                                   q5_4    Parachuting      4  Probably would if asked    None
5                                                   q5_5    Cave diving      5              Very likely    None
6                                                   q5_6    Windsurfing     97  I'm already planning to    None
7                                                                           98               Don't know    None


>>> ds['q5_trans'].head()
  q5_trans_1  q5_trans_2 q5_trans_3 q5_trans_4 q5_trans_5 q5_trans_97   q5_trans_98
0         5;  1;2;3;4;6;        NaN        NaN        NaN         NaN           NaN
1        NaN         NaN     3;4;5;        NaN     1;2;6;         NaN           NaN
2         5;         NaN        NaN        NaN   1;3;4;6;         NaN            2;
3         3;         NaN         5;        NaN   1;2;4;6;         NaN           NaN
4        NaN         NaN        NaN        NaN        NaN         NaN  1;2;3;4;5;6;
>>> ds.meta('q5_trans')
delimited set                                             items               item texts codes          texts missing
q5_trans: How likely are you to do each of the ...
1                                                    q5_trans_1  I would refuse if asked     1        Surfing    None
2                                                    q5_trans_2            Very unlikely     2   Snowboarding    None
3                                                    q5_trans_3        Probably wouldn't     3  Kite boarding    None
4                                                    q5_trans_4  Probably would if asked     4    Parachuting    None
5                                                    q5_trans_5              Very likely     5    Cave diving    None
6                                                   q5_trans_97  I'm already planning to     6    Windsurfing    None
7                                                   q5_trans_98               Don't know

The method’s ignore_items and ignore_values arguments can pick up items (indicated by their order number) and values to leave aside during the transposition.

Ignoring items

The new values meta’s numerical codes will always be enumerated from 1 to the number of valid items for the transposition, so ignoring items 2, 3 and 4 will lead to:

>>> ds.transpose('q5', ignore_items=[2, 3, 4])
>>> ds['q5_trans'].head(1)
  q5_trans_1 q5_trans_2 q5_trans_3 q5_trans_4 q5_trans_5 q5_trans_97 q5_trans_98
0         2;       1;3;        NaN        NaN        NaN         NaN         NaN
>>> ds.values('q5_trans')
[(1, 'Surfing'), (2, 'Cave diving'), (3, 'Windsurfing')]

Ignoring values

>>> ds.transpose('q5', ignore_values=[1, 97])
>>> ds['q5_trans'].head(1)
   q5_trans_2 q5_trans_3 q5_trans_4 q5_trans_5 q5_trans_98
0  1;2;3;4;6;        NaN        NaN        NaN         NaN
>>> ds.items('q5_trans')
[('q5_trans_2', u'Very unlikely'),
 ('q5_trans_3', u"Probably wouldn't"),
 ('q5_trans_4', u'Probably would if asked'),
 ('q5_trans_5', u'Very likely'),
 ('q5_trans_98', u"Don't know")]

Ignoring both items and values

>>> ds.transpose('q5', ignore_items=[2, 3, 4], ignore_values=[1, 97])
>>> ds['q5_trans'].head(1)
  q5_trans_2 q5_trans_3 q5_trans_4 q5_trans_5 q5_trans_98
0       1;3;        NaN        NaN        NaN         NaN
>>> ds.meta('q5_trans')
delimited set                                             items               item texts codes        texts missing
q5_trans: How likely are you to do each of the ...
1                                                    q5_trans_2            Very unlikely     1      Surfing    None
2                                                    q5_trans_3        Probably wouldn't     2  Cave diving    None
3                                                    q5_trans_4  Probably would if asked     3  Windsurfing    None
4                                                    q5_trans_5              Very likely
5                                                   q5_trans_98               Don't know

Flatten item answers

  • flatten()