Latest (09/04/2019)

New Nesting in Batch.add_crossbreak()

Nested crossbreaks can be defined for Excel deliverables, the nesting can be defined by "var1 > var2". Nesting in more than two levels is available "var1 > var2 > var3 > ...", but nesting a group of variables is NOT supported “var1 > (var2, var3)”.

New Leveling

Running Batch.level(array, levels={}) gives the option to aggregate leveled arrays. If no levels are provided, automatically the Batch.yks are taken.

New DataSet.used_text_keys()

This new method loops over text objects in DataSet._meta and returns all found text_keys.

Update Batch (transposed) summaries

As announced a while ago, Batch.make_summaries() is fully deprecated now and gives a NotImplementedError. Per default, all arrays in the downbreak list are added to the Batch.x_y_map. The array exclusive functionality (add array, but skip items) is now supported by the new method Batch.exclusive_arrays().

Additionally Batch.transpose_array() is deprecated. Instead Batch.transpose() is available, which does not support replace anymore, because the “normal” arrays needs to be included always. If the summaries are not requested in the deliverables, they can be hidden in the ChainManager.