
class quantipy.Chain(name=None)

Container class that holds ordered Link defintions and associated Views.

The Chain object is a subclassed dict of list where each list contains one or more View aggregations of a Stack. It is an internal class included and used inside the Stack object. Users can interact with the data directly through the Chain or through the related Cluster object.


Concatenates all Views found for the Chain definition along its orientations axis.


Create a copy of self by serializing to/from a bytestring using cPickle.

describe(index=None, columns=None, query=None)

Generates a list of all link defining stack keys.

static load(filename)

This method loads the pickled object that is made using method: save()


Specifies the name of the file to be loaded. Example of use: new_stack = Chain.load(“./tests/ChainName.chain”)


This method saves the current chain instance (self) to file (.chain) using cPickle.

Attributes :
path (string)
Specifies the location of the saved file, NOTE: has to end with ‘/’ Example: ‘./tests/’