Creating/ Loading a qp.Batch instance

As mentioned, a Batch instance has a close connection to its belonging DataSet instance and we can easily create a new Batch from a DataSet as per:

batch1 = dataset.add_batch(name='batch1')
batch2 = dataset.add_batch(name='batch2', ci=['c'], weights='weight')

It is also possible to load an already existing instance out of the meta stored in dataset._meta['sets']['batches']:

batch = dataset.get_batch('batch1')

Both methods, .add_batch() and .get_batch(), are an easier way to use the __init__() method of qp.Batch.

An other way to get a new qp.Batch instance is to copy an existing one, in that case all added open ends are removed from the new instance:

copy_batch = batch.copy('copy_of_batch1')